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  • Individual Musician

    Clarion understands how attached musicians are to their instruments, we offer protection for their high-valued instruments. Clarion helps give musicians peace of mind by offering high quality insurance coverage, protecting it from risks such as fire, theft, or damage.

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  • Dealer/Repair Shop

    Clarion works with Instrument Makers, Dealers, Repairers & Luthiers to customize policies to fit their specific insurance needs and insure everything from materials to the instruments, while at the shop, at a tradeshow, on trial, even during transit!

    Click here to get a quote
  • Symphony Orchestra

    Clarion provides easy and efficient policy administration, fulfilling your musician’s insurance needs by offering coverage that is designed for them. We are trusted by over 30 major symphony orchestras and over 20,000 musicians.

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  • Recording Studio

    If you have a recording studio, making sure that your instruments and equipment are properly protected is a major step in the right direction. If your gear is only insured under your Homeowner's policy, you do not have the best coverage possible for your studio.

    Click here to get a quote